UCN: 3


Absolute Body Conditioning

Level: 1

Minutes: 30

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Absolute Body Conditioning is a fantastic whole body conditioning workout where we squat, lunge and plank. ABC is a more physically challenging class using body weight, resistance bands/loops and light weights.

Equipment: You will need an elastic loop, weights (0.5kg or 1kg recommended) and a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 6


10 Minute Blast

Level: 1

Minutes: 10

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This is a great way of getting a quick fix in when you’re short on time. It is a simple set of planks, squats, press ups and tricep dips using the HIIT style of training. If the work is too much for your wrists then try doing the weight bearing exercises, like press ups and planks, against the wall. Keep rolling the wrists out to keep the blood flowing! Just remember that technique is key so do little movements well and build up!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a carpeted floor

UCN: 10



Level: 2

Minutes: 30

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This is a gentle level class with a calm and focused approach to some of the fundamentals of Pilates - Alignment, Breathing and Centring.

Equipment: You will need a couple of light weighs and a mat or a carpeted floor

UCN: 13


10 Minute Quick Fix

Level: 2

Minutes: 10

Teacher: Clare Meardon

In only 10 minutes you can get the HIT you need with this short blast of planks, press ups and squats. Go for it and you’ll be finished before you know it!

Equipment: You will need loop and a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 17


The Beast

Level: 3

Minutes: 30

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This is a super challenging class so please take it at your own pace if needed! Be brave and try your best, you’ve got this! Remember you can always adapt by lowering your knees or having a pause!

Equipment: You will need loop and a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 20


Quick Fix

Level: 2

Minutes: 10

Teacher: Clare Meardon

In only 10 minutes you can get the HIT you need with this short blast of planks, press ups and squats. Go for it and you’ll be finished before you know it!

Equipment: A mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 147


Let's Do This!

Level: 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Having a tough week and feeling a little “meh”? Don’t worry, we got this! Join Clare for a heart pumping, energy producing class which works the whole body using resistance bands, light weights and body weight. Let’s fight off the week's worries together!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area, resistance bands (or a pair if tights!), light weights (tins of food or water bottles work just fine!) and a will to workout!!

UCN: 152


As Easy as 1, 2 & 3!

Level: 3

Minutes: 30

Teacher: Clare Meardon

It's a new year, but it's still you and you are AMAZING! So show up and give it all you've got! You've got this, it's as simple as 1, 2 & 3!

Equipment: You will need 2 light weights or 2 cans of food/2 water bottles, a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 166


Saturday Startup!

Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Start the weekend with a "HIIT" of Body Conditioning and a good stretch to set you up for the perfect weekend!

Equipment: You will need a set of light weights, a mat or carpeted area and a stretch band or a belt.

UCN: 227


Triple Threat

Level: 2, 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Are you ready for this? You betcha! Be brave and go for it, this is a level 3 class but modifications will be offered. You got this!

Equipment: You will need a chair, a set of light weights, a mat or carpeted area and a stretch band or a belt.

UCN: 243


Arms & Shoukders

Level: 3

Minutes: 30

Teacher: Charlotte Luke

A class to work and tone those arms from shoulders to fingertips! Shoulder, bicep and tricep exercises all the way through to a powerful press up set to finish. Guaranteed to leave your arms feeling super worked, show me the guns!

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 247


Full Body Conditioning 1

Level: 1

Minutes: 30

Teacher: Tatum Rose

Level 1 introduces you to the programme and goes through the key exercises with a focus on the technical elements necessary to progress safely and correctly.

Equipment: You’ll need a suitable chair, a loop, a wall and a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 248


Full Body Conditioning 2

Level: 2

Minutes: 35

Teacher: Tatum Rose

In Level 2 we will increase the intensity and push harder but don’t be afraid to use regressions if needed. Remember the focus is always on safe technique and working within our own limits.

Equipment: You’ll need a loop, a Yoga block or thick book, a wall and a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 249


Full Body Conditioning 3

Level: 3

Minutes: 35

Teacher: Tatum Rose

You’ve made it to Level 3! Get ready to feel the burn as we increase the intensity once again. If you followed this programme from the beginning you will have developed the strength necessary to see you through this workout. Be brave and go for it!

Equipment: You’ll need a loop and a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 301


Legs, Bums & Tums

Level: 2, 3

Minutes: 30

Teacher: Clare Meardon

In 30 mins Clare will take you through your whole body leaving no part behind! Be brave and go for it, embrace the challenge! It’s only 30 minutes!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area, a Pilates Ball, a loop.