UCN: 5
Stretch & Release
Level: 1
Minutes: 30
Teacher: Clare Meardon
A gentle stretch class to help release and restore your body back to health, focusing on movement at joint level and allowing the breath to facilitate change.
Equipment: A mat and a stretch band
UCN: 7
Dynamic Flow
Level: 2
Minutes: 20
Teacher: Clare Meardon
This stretch class has a deliberate flow to increase the circulation and warm up the body ready for just 20 mins of a whole body stretch. Use the breath and take everything at your own pace.
Equipment: You will need a mat or a carpeted floor
UCN: 12
Dynamic and Active
Level: 2
Minutes: 30
Teacher: Clare Meardon
This 30 min stretch class uses a mix of dynamic and active stretches to gently and gradually increase the range of movement whilst still keeping it within a safe range of motion. The whole body is stretched and left feeling longer and freer.
Equipment: You will need a mat and possibly blocks or big books for sitting on if needed
UCN: 14
Body & Spine
Level: 2
Minutes: 20
Teacher: Clare Meardon
In this class we will focus on the movement available at the spine to create fluid movement through the back. This follows with some deeper stretches to find space in the body. Remember to work at your own pace. Use your breath and relax
Equipment: You will need a mat or carpeted area.
UCN: 21
Full Body
Level: 3
Minutes: 30
Teacher: Clare Meardon
In this class Clare takes you through some more advanced stretches, whilst giving variations as you go. Some of the stretches are deeper and a progression from the Level 2 classes so please make sure you have completed them first!
Equipment: You will need a mat or carpeted area.
UCN: 89
Stretch & Flow
Level: 2
Minutes: 30
Teacher: Clare Meardon
Stretching has so many fantastic health benefits which are known by Pilates Gurus and Yogis around the world. In this class we will fuse together many disciplines to feel a lovely stretch and release through our bodies.
Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.
UCN: 173
Super Stretch Sunday
Level: 2
Minutes: 45
Teacher: Clare Meardon
Start your Sunday with a perfect stretch out, get rid of any tension and feel great by moving in a chilled but effective way.
Equipment: You will need a mat or carpeted area, a cushion, a stretch band or belt. Please make sure you are in a warm room or wrap up well!
UCN: 234
Stretch & Chill
Level: 2
Minutes: 45
Teacher: Clare Meardon
What better way to end a week than with a good stretch. Get yourself up for a good night sleep and a great weekend after giving your body some well deserved TLC!
Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.