Pilates at the Desk

Hi ,

The average office worker will spend between 4 and 9 hours each day seated at their desk!

Sitting for long periods of time can have a severe and detrimental effect on both our physical and mental health.

Common complaints related to sitting for prolonged periods of time include lower back pain, headaches, wrist ache, shoulder tension and leg pain. In fact, some of these issues can lead to chronic health problems.

To help you alleviate some of these symptoms, I have created a series of six easy-to-follow Pilates at the Desk classes. Five of the classes are based at the desk and are around 10 minutes long. I have also included a 20-minute restorative mat session, perfect for when you get home after a long day.  

The classes are designed to be easy to do and are a great way to keep active when brought into your daily routine.

I look forward to helping you through your day.

Grace XX


Course Curriculum

Pilates at the Desk Lessons