UCN: 1


Breathing & Centering

Level: 1

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This is a gentle level class with a calm and focused approach to some of the fundamentals of Pilates - Alignment, Breathing and Centring.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a carpeted floor

UCN: 4


Pilates for Power

Level: 3

Minutes: 40

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Tap into your inner super hero with this class! Power comes from the inside and radiates out. Are you ready to feel EMPOWERED! This is a level 2 class so suitable for most people but please modify anything you need to. We will be working on balance, coordination and power of the mind!

Equipment: A mat, tennis ball and a long stretch band (medium or light resistance)

UCN: 9


Classical Pilates

Level: 2

Minutes: 35

Teacher: Clare Meardon

A great class for those who want thorough descriptions of the exercises. In this class we start to introduce some of the Classical Pilates exercises. Please ensure you have done a level 1 class before doing this class.

Equipment: A mat or comfortable carpeted area

UCN: 11


Core Strength & Stability

Level: 1

Minutes: 40

Teacher: Clare Meardon

The focus of this class is on core strength and stability. By starting slowly, we can build up the work ensuring we use correct technique and alignment, ending with some bigger challenges. This class works the whole body.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a carpeted floor

UCN: 16


Stability & Coordination

Level: 2

Minutes: 35

Teacher: Clare Meardon

A focused class working on stability and coordination. The class starts gently and has a steady flow with a few optional challenges for you

Equipment: You will need a stretch band and a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 18


Journey to Classical Mat

Level: 3

Minutes: 40

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This class will start to introduce some of the Advanced or Classical Mat work exercises. We start with a gentle warm up to prepare for the challenges ahead. This is a steady class detailing the techniques necessary for the Advanced work.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 19


Pilates Flow

Level: 3

Minutes: 35

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This is a general level flowing class with a more deliberate pace. This is perfect when you just want to move with a few added challenges. This practise follows on from the previous levels to create a full body flow.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 29


Pilates for Mobility

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

In this class we will be focusing on the spine as being the centre of your flexibility. By moving gently and in a controlled and considered way, we can gain effective movement and safely increase, as well as enhance, our mobility and therefore flexibility.

Equipment: A mat & a stretch band. Alternatively you could use a belt and a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 34


Linking Movement

Level: 1

Minutes: 20

Teacher: Rose Clayden

Join Rose for this Pilates Flow workout. The class takes familiar Pilates exercises and links them together to create new movement combinations to challenge coordination and exercise control.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 35


Spine Mobility

Level: 2

Minutes: 25

Teacher: Rose Clayden

Rose presents a Pilates Flow workout with a focus on spine mobility. This class will guide you through all the possible movements of the spine - the flexions, extensions, rotations and all the bits in between. The perfect antidote to a day spent sitting.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 75


Beginner Level 1

Level: 1

Minutes: 35

Teacher: Emma Hunt

Join Emma for this very enjoyable and gentle class. Absolutely perfect for beginners, presented with clear directions and a focus on simple controlled Pilates movements.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a carpeted area.

UCN: 78


Pilates for Strength

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

By using light weights and body weight, we will find our deepest inner strength with this dynamic but yet achievable class.

Equipment: A mat & light weights (1kg recommended). Alternatively you could use a couple of tins of food and a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 81


Motion is Lotion

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Let's get up and go with this flowing class to promote better circulation, more fluid movement in your joints and a fabulously lengthened feeling in your muscles. Breathe your way through it and you will feel awake and ready to go!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a carpeted area.

UCN: 84


Let's Get Physical

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Joseph Pilates was a man that loved to workout. With this class we are going to ramp up the pace a bit and give ourselves a bit more of a challenge. It will be achievable, as always there will be alternatives, but I want you to embrace the challenge and go for it!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a soft carpeted area.

UCN: 85


Stretch & TLC

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This class is based on Pilates with a fusion of stretching and just a little bit of "TLC". Give yourself a break and make the time for some YOU time. This will be a gentle class designed to rebalance and restore.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a soft carpeted area, a block and a stretch band.

UCN: 87


Pure Pilates

Level: 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

In this lesson we will start to work through the Classical Mat series with some Contemporary adaptations. There is something for everyone so enjoy!

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 103


Power Flow - Intermediate

Level: 3

Minutes: 35

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace for a total body Pilates class that brings a sense of flow and breath to the exercises. Expect a fun and challenging flowing class that will leave you feeling, energised, connected and with a smile on your face, ready for the rest of the day.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 104


Power Flow - Beginner

Level: 2

Minutes: 35

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace for a total body Pilates class that brings a sense of flow and breath to the exercises. Expect a fun and gentle flowing class that will move through some fundamental exercises that will leave you feeling energised and connected, ready for the rest of the day.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area.

UCN: 105


Powerhouse 2

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace as she presents a general level Pilates class that has a particular focus on creating a little warmth in the abdominals, firing up the powerhouse and bringing your focus to centring the body.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 106



Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace as she presents a total body Pilates class that brings a sense of flow and breath to the exercises. Expect a fun and gentle flowing class that will move through some fundamental exercises that will leave you feeling energised and connected, ready for the rest of the day.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 107


Length & Mobility

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace as she takes you through a series of Pilates exercises and simple stretches that will create the sensation of length and mobility through the body. A little wake up and energiser for your body, ready for the rest of the day.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 108


Power Pilates 5

Level: 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

In this Pilates class we look at the foundations exercises that help with alignment, with the aim of reconnecting with the body.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 120


Mat Evolution Level 1

Level: 1

Minutes: 35

Teacher: Emma Hunt

In this class we are focussing on the alignment of the body, particularly the ‘neutral’ position of the pelvis and spine and why this is important. We will aim to understand a good neutral position in various starting positions and how to stabilise the pelvis whilst we move.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 121


Mat Evolution Level 2

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Emma Hunt

Now that we have established a good neutral position, we will start to progress the exercises slightly and increase the awareness of our centring as we introduce more load and flowing movements.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 122


Mat Evolution Level 3

Level: 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Emma Hunt

We will focus on the use of our centring and good alignment in this class as we progress the exercises to a more advanced level. Focussing on how to keep a still and stable pelvis and spine, we will work in various planes of movement and increase the challenge as we go.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 139


Energising Flow

Level: 2

Minutes: 40

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This is a general level flowing class with a more deliberate pace. This is perfect when you just want to move with a few added challenges. This practise follows on from the previous levels to create a full body flow.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 140



Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

The theme of this class is "Perseverance". By creating a space for inner calm, coupled with a strong exterior, we can find the perfect balance to help us through even the most difficult of times. By using breath we calm the mind and by using dynamic movements we strengthen the body and thus the balance is found.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 144


Unwind Your Spine

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

In this class we will be focusing on moving gently and in a controlled and considered way. We will focus on the spine as being the centre of your flexibility. We can gain effective movement and safely increase, as well as enhance, our mobility and therefore flexibility.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 148


Bye Bye 2020!

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

At Savvy4Life we believe in positive energy, not looking back and seeing the positive any way we can. In this class we will reflect with good humour upon the challenges offered by 2020, the changes we have made and how we plan to move forward.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 151


Power Pilates 4

Level: 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace for a Pilates class with an emphasis on warming up the abdominal muscles, engaging the core, and centring the body.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 154


Power Pilates 3

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace as she conducts a general-level Pilates class, focusing on generating warmth in the abdominal muscles, activating the core, and centring the body.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 157


Wake The Body

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Wake up with Pilates, your spine will love you for it. This class focuses on finding joy within movement, little details and lots of love given to every part of your being.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 160


Power Pilates Abs 2

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace as she presents a general level Pilates class that has a particular focus on creating a little warmth in the abdominals, firing up the powerhouse and bringing your focus to centring the body.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 162


Power Pilates Abs 1

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace as she leads a general-level Pilates class, specifically aimed at generating warmth in the abdominal muscles, activating the core, and focusing on centring the body.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 165


Recharge & Restore

Level: 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Grace presents a 45 min live Pilates class with an emphasis on legs, hips and bums. Prepare to be challenged and remember to keep smiling!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 168


Nonstop Abs!

Level: 2, 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace for this Pilates class which focuses on the abdominals. Throughout the class Grace will provide you with various different adaptations. Prepare for a good challenge!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 172


Exploring Opposites

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Many of the Pilates mat exercises find their real beauty by discovering oppositional forces, creating space for breath, and taking ourselves further than we thought we could. This class aims to stretch your potential and allow to achieve things you never knew you could!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 174


Pilates Ball Lesson 1

Level: 1

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

In this lesson, Clare will introduce simple techniques for using a Pilates ball (also known as an over ball), focusing on the pelvis and lower back areas. It’s all about subtle movements, emphasizing control and centring.

Equipment: You will need a Pilates Ball and a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 175


Pilates Ball Lesson 2

Level: 1

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

In this lesson we will use the Pilates ball to work on upper back release and help with core stability. Again we will focus on controlled and concentrated movements with an emphasis on using the core to support and enable effective movement.

Equipment: You will need a Pilates Ball and a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 180


Back Muscles

Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 30

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Join Grace as she leads you through a Pilates session focusing primarily on your back muscles. This is a great class to include in you weekly fitness schedule and you will soon feel the benefits.

Equipment: You will need a mat or carpeted are

UCN: #186


Legs & Inner Thighs

Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 20

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

In this short class Grace will be focusing on our legs and inner thighs. This is one to add to your favourites and revisit on a regular basis.

Equipment: You will need a pilates ball or soft cushion, a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 224


Recharge & Restore

Level: 1

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

This 45 min live Pilates class is designed to help you recharge your batteries through mindful flowing movements and to restore life's vital energy. We all feel a little empty at times so take the time to "plug yourself in" and recharge!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 228


Fun Flow

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

By combining a more movement and dance like quality to our class today we will explore ways of linking and combining some of the best Pilates exercises to really feel like every bit of our bodies has been given its moment to shine!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 230


Classical Mat

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Join Clare for a flowing Pilates class which follows the sequence of the classical mat. We will introduce the exercises and build on them for next week!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 233


March Matness

Level: 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This class will follow the Classical Mat 34 and introduce some greater challenges along the way! Check out our Advanced Pilates Matwork in the Pilates programs for a heads up for what is coming!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 236


Tighten & Tone

Level: 3

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Let's focus on tone and get to the root of muscle conditioning by using some of the more powerful Pilates exercises. Be prepared to work quite hard in this class but don't worry, variations will be given!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 237


Chest & Arms

Level: 1

Minutes: 10

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

In this short class we will concentrate on chest opening and we will also include a little arm workout.

Equipment: No equipment needed.

UCN: 238


Legs at the Desk

Level: 1

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Today we will be focusing on your legs, perfect if you have been sitting for a long time and need to generate a bit of movement and boost your circulation.

Equipment: No equipment needed.

UCN: 239


Wrists and Neck

Level: 1

Minutes: 10

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

Today we are focusing on wrists and necks. This class is especially helpful if you have been typing or driving for a long time.

Equipment: No equipment needed.

UCN: 240


Destress & Connected Breath

Level: 1

Minutes: 10

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

If your day has been stressful, this class is the one for you with a focus on breathing and removing tension.

Equipment: No equipment needed.

UCN: 241


Shoulders Neck & Body

Level: 1

Minutes: 11

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

If you have been sitting in a confined position fo a long period of time, take a moment to bring some movement into your shoulders, neck and body.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 242


Restorative Opening Stretch

Level: 1

Minutes: 20

Teacher: Grace Sellwood

After a long day at work, give your body just 20 easy minutes to restore and reset itself back into balance with this gentle mat class.

Equipment: You will only need a mat or carpeted area

UCN: 247


Playing with Props

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Do you have stretch bands, loops and balls at home and not sure how to use them or why? This class will be a great way to dust them off and give them some good use!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area, a Pilates Ball, a loop, a stretch band

UCN: 250


Morning Awakening

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

What better way to start the day than the Pilates way. Get yourself set up for a great day than by moving, stretching and strengthening with some of best of the Pilates repertoire.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area, a Pilates Ball, a loop, a stretch band

UCN: 253


Classical Mat Adaptions

Level: 2

Minutes: 45

Teacher: Clare Meardon

In this class we will be breaking down some of the more advanced exercises and creating journeys towards to full mat.

Equipment: Equipment - You will need a mat and a stretch band

UCN: 127

Day 1 - The Daily Dozen


Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

By using our breath, we create better circulation leading to increased energy levels. This is a very simple way to get your energy flowing and set you up for the day.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 99

Day 10 - The Daily Dozen

Feet & Ankles

Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

The feet are the foundation of the body, with 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments. They deserve their 12 minutes! Strong, well-aligned feet support balance and posture, significantly impacting the health of your knees, hips, and lower back.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 100

Day 11 - The Daily Dozen

Arms & Upper Body

Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Working on our arms and upper body is crucial for building strong bones, increasing muscle strength, burning calories, and reducing the risk of injury. We depend heavily on upper body strength in daily life, yet it’s often neglected in workouts. Not today! Grab your weights, and let’s get started!

Equipment: A mat or carpeted area and a couple of light weights (1kg) or equivalent

UCN: 101

Day 12 - The Daily Dozen

Full Flow

Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This class will demonstrate how you can flow through key mat exercises in just a few minutes. With regular practice, you’ll see that small changes can lead to big improvements in your overall well-being. Remember, "It only takes little steps to reach your goals!"

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 91

Day 2 - The Daily Dozen


Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Take 12 minutes of “YOU TIME” to reconnect with your body and mind. In just a short session, you can ground yourself, release tension, and cultivate a sense of calm, leaving you refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 92

Day 3 - The Daily Dozen

4 Point Kneeling

Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

By working against gravity in the 4-point kneeling position, we strengthen core stability, improve balance, and build endurance. This power enhances body awareness, allowing us to move with greater strength, confidence, and control throughout daily activities.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 93

Day 4 - The Daily Dozen

Side Lying

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Today, we’ll focus on side-lying exercises to bring awareness to this often overlooked yet vital area of the body. By targeting our sides, we’ll build strength, improve balance, and enhance support, helping us feel more stable and connected throughout the day.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 94

Day 5 - The Daily Dozen

Balance & Coordination

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Today’s focus is all about the brain. By working on balance and coordination, we’re engaging the cerebellum, a crucial part of the brain responsible for these functions. Strengthening this area has a significant impact on posture, stability, and overall body control.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 95

Day 6 - The Daily Dozen

Wake-Up Shake-Up

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

To celebrate reaching the halfway point of your Daily Dozen program, we’re going to have some fun, loosen up, and shake off any tension. Let go, free yourself, and reconnect with your inner child in this playful and energizing 12-minute class!

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 96

Day 7 - The Daily Dozen


Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

By lying prone (on your front), we target and strengthen the back line of the body, promoting extension and mobility. In today’s world, dominated by computers and mobile phones, we often adopt a forward-flexed posture. This class helps counteract that imbalance, encouraging a more upright, healthy posture for daily life.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 97

Day 8 - The Daily Dozen


Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

Breathing is crucial for overall health, offering benefits such as improved digestion, better sleep, increased energy, and reduced stress. In this class, we begin with simple breathing exercises and gradually introduce movement, creating harmony and balance between breath and body for optimal well-being.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.

UCN: 98

Day 9 - The Daily Dozen


Level: 1, 2

Minutes: 12

Teacher: Clare Meardon

This class centers your body and mind, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. By engaging your core and creating a corset-like effect around the torso, you'll support your spine and improve posture through strengthened central muscles.

Equipment: You will need a mat or a comfortable carpeted area.